Beauty tips for Brides who decide to do their makeup themselves on their big day.

The big day is fast approaching and you have completed the vast majority of items on your wedding checklist. Your beautiful wedding dress fits perfectly and you have decided on a hairstyle – now it’s time for makeup. Here are some beauty tips for those who decided to do their makeup themselves on their big […]

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Valentine’s Day Themed Wedding Ideas

 First of all, Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! In the spirit of Valentines day I thought  I would share some “cupid” inspired wedding details that I found while browsing. I thought they may be great inspiration for brides planning  2014 Valentine’s day nuptials. What a great day to celebrate a couples love-right? I found this valentines day […]

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Are you Ready to Attend a Bridal Fair? by Guest blogger Ashley Kerns

It was just yesterday that we were thinking that it would be nice to feature guests on our blog from time to time. The same day (amazingly) Marketing Manager of Suits Unlimited  Ashley Kerns wrote us about an article she put together for brides to be more prepared and feel “less overloaded” when it comes […]

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Three wedding steps to a dream wedding

When it comes to wedding planning, many brides- and grooms-to-be quickly get frazzled when they look at their massive to-do list. However, it is possible to have a dream wedding. It is important to come to terms with the budget before anything else, because once that is decided, the bride and groom are one step closer […]

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