Don’t get us wrong — we love jam-packed, standing-room-only weddings, teeming with loved ones and dear friends, too. In fact, we absolutely adore seeing throngs of guests wall-to-wall, overflowing the chapel with happy tears and belly laughter.  But, if we’re being honest, there’s nothing in the world quite like an elopement.  And when we’re craving […]

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It’s a new year! Fresh, shimmering, and ready to be filled with love stories and memories to last a lifetime.  But before we dive into our goals and plans for 2023, we’d like to take a moment to reminisce. With an endless stream of new events, new connections, and new dreams, it’s easy to get […]

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7 Wedding Venues Outside the City

As much as we love the hustle and bustle of our vibrant city here in the southwest, we can’t lie… Taking a step back from the noise and enjoying New Mexico’s myriad of landscapes is one of our favorite parts of living in such a wild state. The mountains and mesas, rivers and roving fields, […]

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New Mexican Elopement with Chrisi K Photography

It’s that time of year in the Perfect Wedding Guide world — at least our corner of it — when the excitement of the holidays has passed, and the ethereality of spring hasn’t yet come. The magic never really subsides here though, because tiding us over between these two time markers is the new edition […]

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Where Are They Now? Genevieve + Ricky’s Post-Wedding Perfection

Beginnings are always so beautiful, aren’t they? And what are weddings, except for a celebration of a new life beginning together? Yes, it’s easy to get lost in the tulle and sparkle of a wedding day, but in our opinion, what comes after is massively underrated. We’re not talking about the honeymoon, though those deserve […]

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Best Outdoor Venues in Albuquerque

Here’s the thing about New Mexico: it’s very easy to forget how lucky we are living in this state, especially when it comes to the weather. {Yes, we know it’s been pretty toasty lately, but take a trip somewhere a little closer to sea level and you’ll be missing the dry heat, we promise.} It’s […]

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Chrisi K Photography {Vendor Spotlight + Real Wedding}

By now you might have noticed that we kind of have a thing for local photographers. It’s not that we don’t love every wedding professional equally {we do!}, it’s just that photographers give us the chance to live vicariously through their lens. We might be here, in the Perfect Wedding Guide office, or out and […]

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