Where Are They Now? {Celeste + Brandon}

You might remember Celeste + Brandon from this blog post a couple weeks ago. You know, the love so gorgeous and devoted this blogger was crying over it? Their wedding, which was last October, tugged at our heartstrings in a really special way. Yes, yes — we do love all married and engaged couples, but […]

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A Love That Feels Like Home: Celeste + Brandon’s Real Wedding

Maybe it’s the precious details of Celeste + Brandon’s elegant wedding day, maybe it’s the simple way spring ushers all things out of dormancy, or maybe a combination of both. I’m not quite sure, but something about this specific union of love, of all the beautiful and awe-inspiring weddings we’ve seen through Perfect Wedding Guide, […]

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{Guest Post: Mary Pepper} Healthy Relationships 101 pt I

Have you ever wondered how some couples manage to keep their relationship going strong year after year? How do they make it through the valleys and peaks of being together? Let us take the time to explore the couple journey: the joys and beauty of spring time; the sunny, inspiring openness of summer; the abundance […]

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